User:banzaidog on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 01:20:12 +0000

Not-bad HBO movie from 1984. Amanda Pays appears to be slipping in and out of time, "acquiring" memories of a young woman during WW2. Is it really happening...or is it all in her mind? Pays plays both of those characters and, because the make-ups were so similar, it took me a while to realize she was doing so. "The Cold Room" is far from being an Oscar contender, but it *is* entertaining. Definitely worth a look.

User:banzaidog on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 01:20:12 +0000

Not-bad HBO movie from 1984. Amanda Pays appears to be slipping in and out of time, "acquiring" memories of a young woman during WW2. Is it really happening...or is it all in her mind? Pays plays both of those characters and, because the make-ups were so similar, it took me a while to realize she was doing so. "The Cold Room" is far from being an Oscar contender, but it *is* entertaining. Definitely worth a look.