User:galacticmind on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 18:44:07 +0000

This movie is really funny. Funny in a bad way. The story is a little confusing, not really straight, with many interruptions and dumb behavior of many crew members and also of the "enemies" - really disappointing. One of the most "funny" scenes is where the earthlings should replace a PCB for the superpower machine monster! Well, it couldnt do it itself, but funnier, it was destroyed with a little rock and a slingshot - wow - really superpower! If you keep in mind that Star Trek began 10 years before this, well, you only can ROFL. The producers of this film should have spent less effort for spacy custumes and more for a good camera man. Pictures from outside the ship as well as the sound quality was unacceptable (think it was not because of the compression used here!). It is not really worth downloading except for hardcore Scifi-D-movie fans (like me). Cheers, galacticmind

User:galacticmind on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 18:44:07 +0000

This movie is really funny. Funny in a bad way. The story is a little confusing, not really straight, with many interruptions and dumb behavior of many crew members and also of the "enemies" - really disappointing. One of the most "funny" scenes is where the earthlings should replace a PCB for the superpower machine monster! Well, it couldnt do it itself, but funnier, it was destroyed with a little rock and a slingshot - wow - really superpower! If you keep in mind that Star Trek began 10 years before this, well, you only can ROFL. The producers of this film should have spent less effort for spacy custumes and more for a good camera man. Pictures from outside the ship as well as the sound quality was unacceptable (think it was not because of the compression used here!). It is not really worth downloading except for hardcore Scifi-D-movie fans (like me). Cheers, galacticmind

User:joemol on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 10:37:17 +0000

It's impossible to catalog everything that's awful in this movie. The acting, the badly dubbed international dialog, the garish 60's styling, the complete lack of coherent plot, the dizzy camera work and almost everything else about in this stinker is pure dreck. But I will single out two features for special mention. Firstly, the "musical" score has to be the most irritating, grating, noisome cacophony I have ever had to endure in a movie. The "composer" must have been high on something to create this abomination. Secondly, watch the female lead character going through the motions. Because that's what she does - goes through the motions. Someone forgot to tell her that in a movie, actors are meant to, you know, "act". Her body language is completely out of kilter with the action. At one point she saunters in at a leisurely, almost catwalk style pace to deliver an urgent message to the captain. She constantly puts her hands on her hips and strikes totally inappropriate poses as though she was modelling the latest spring fashions. It's hilarious. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable movie for those of us who relish z-grade rubbish. Not up to (or should I say down to) the level of a Robot Monster mind you but still enough to fill in a hazy hour or so.

User:joemol on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 10:37:17 +0000

It's impossible to catalog everything that's awful in this movie. The acting, the badly dubbed international dialog, the garish 60's styling, the complete lack of coherent plot, the dizzy camera work and almost everything else about in this stinker is pure dreck. But I will single out two features for special mention. Firstly, the "musical" score has to be the most irritating, grating, noisome cacophony I have ever had to endure in a movie. The "composer" must have been high on something to create this abomination. Secondly, watch the female lead character going through the motions. Because that's what she does - goes through the motions. Someone forgot to tell her that in a movie, actors are meant to, you know, "act". Her body language is completely out of kilter with the action. At one point she saunters in at a leisurely, almost catwalk style pace to deliver an urgent message to the captain. She constantly puts her hands on her hips and strikes totally inappropriate poses as though she was modelling the latest spring fashions. It's hilarious. All in all, a thoroughly enjoyable movie for those of us who relish z-grade rubbish. Not up to (or should I say down to) the level of a Robot Monster mind you but still enough to fill in a hazy hour or so.

User:teresaclements on Tue, 04 Feb 2025 04:26:21 +0000

I like your movie.

User:teresaclements on Tue, 04 Feb 2025 04:26:49 +0000

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User:DumbleJum on Sat, 08 Feb 2025 08:23:03 +0000

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